This winter sucked. And it sent me so far down a black hole I didn't even know where out was . . . I am not somebody that gets dysfunctionally depressed, but holy crap. I was in trouble.
Fortunately, I'm not someone who lets dysfunction stand in the way of a good time, so . . . I'm back. With a lot of help from my partner and a few kindly but no-nonsense spirit guides, I have recovered. Whew.
"What's happening?" you may well ask. Lots . . . First of all, stay tuned for the launch of - coming soon to a browser near you! The Aunt G and the Stone City Nephews record is back on track, Pete is mixing like a madman, and we're going to aim for late-spring/early-summer release. Look for the fundraising campaign to begin very soon. The amazing John Rathje has some outstanding t-shirt designs, and a beautiful RECORD cover - YES! VINYL!!! - to entice you to help an auntie out. Can't wait.
I've taken the winter off from gigging, so I'm ramping that back up as well. Natalie Brown and I played at Uptown Bill's Coffeehouse in Iowa City last weekend, and WOW what a fabulous gig that was! Packed house, wonderfully attentive audience, dancing in chairs . . . It was incredible. Next I'm with my old friend Dan Johnson at the NewBo City Market in Cedar Rapids, March 20, 5 to 7:45PM - which is, appropriately enough, the first day of spring, and certainly there needs to be music! Then March 28 I'll be at Mendoza Wine and Music in downtown Coralville from 8-10, and on April 3 at the ass-crack of dawn I am getting in my car and heading for Fort Collins, CO, to play some music to support my dear friend Kevin Houchin's gallery opening on April 4, and to do a riotously fun house concert on April 5. Then back home April 6 to celebrate my son's 22nd birthday. April 19 Johnson and I are at Cafe Paradiso in Fairfield.
So hang tight, stick around, kick back . . . I'll keep you posted on everything. Life is good!
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