Wednesday, June 25, 2014

All the news that's fit to print . . .

I have been so busy I have not had time to think! So . . . here are my thoughts about that.

Last week I had a mess of gigs, from hot-and-sticky but oddly rewarding, to wild and sweaty and totally rewarding, to cool and peaceful and so quiet you could have heard a pin drop because nobody showed up . . . We ran the gamut, and it was all good. And hopefully I made some new friends, too.

And it's a huge blessing to be able to do what I do best and make enough money to get by, and to not have to get up everyday, put on some "game face" and go pretend I give a shit. I actually do give a shit. I give a shit whether my students are learning anything. I give a shit whether the audience shows up or not. I give a shit about every note I play, every word I sing (whether I remember the words or not) and every moment I'm on stage. Because if I didn't, I'd just be another hack trying to make some easy money. 

Sad thing is, it's far from easy, and it's not really all that much money. I work HARD. And everybody I choose to play with works equally hard. Music is important. It's worth busting your ass to do it as right as you possibly can. When people ask me, "How did you get that good?" I tell 'em, "I practice my ass off." I might have a certain something in my DNA that gave me an edge for music that some folks don't have. But don't for a minute think that means I can coast through it without breaking a sweat. No no no. I practice my ass off. 

Friday, I'm heading to Wisconsin to the National Women's Music Festival to teach a guitar workshop and perform with Orenda. Then I am taking a much needed breather. The season is still young, many gigs left to go, much heat and humidity to endure. I hope to see you out there somewhere.

(PS: The Indiegogo campaign for Aunt G & the Stone City Nephews is still up, so please check it out and help us with a contribution at - thanks!) 


  1. Why do people think the arts are easy? *ponders*

    1. Because we make it look easy. But that takes . . . something . . . ACTING! No, um . . . CAFFEINE!!! No . . . Well, yes, but no . . . hard friggin' work and practicing until it hurts? Yes. That. And honestly, a true musician doesn't even notice that's happening. It doesn't feel like work. It feels like being alive.
