Monday, December 31, 2012

And here ya go

It's December 31, 2012. So the Julian calendar, a totally arbitrary way of measuring the passage of time and organizing days into neatly manageable chunks (and oh, those Romans were fond of neatly organized chunks of nearly anything), is rolling over again, meaning we all have to go out and buy new calendars...

Maybe I'm just getting crusty and old, but for the love of Mike, Pete, Jove, Larry, Mo and Curly, can we please stop obsessing over keeping track of the flow of days? The Earth spins, so we have nights and we have days. The Earth is tilted on it's axis, so we have seasons. The Earth is circling the Sun, so we have years. And we mark the days in little boxes because we think what we do with time is going to matter. A thousand years from now, the great majority of us will not even be footnotes. The human race shot itself in the foot a long time ago, and now we're living on borrowed time.

Time is precious. Time is fleeting. Time is relative. Time is too big to contain in any ledger or chart. Time is too sacred a thing. We expect it to conform because we say so. But Time is bigger, and older, and smarter than we are. It flows on whether we want it to or not. We are linear. Time is... Not... Pure Time cannot be contained, measured, or even described. It sure as hell doesn't obey any rules. Time is as big as the Universe. Don't fuck with Time. Show it some respect.

So as you mark the throwing out of one Julian calendar and replace it with another, perhaps one with pictures of cute kittens or lush countryside, take a moment and try to suspend yourself in non-linear Time. Ignore your breathing and your heartbeat. Be timeless, in order to better appreciate Time.

May your next journey around the Sun be a pleasant one.

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