Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Here goes...

So... I received some guidance this weekend that I need to just shatter the Broom Closet once and for all. For those who know me well, this will come as no surprise. For those who know me a little, it won't exactly be a shocker. And for those who don't know me at all, I look forward to meeting you...

     Bogeyman: "You a witch or something?" .
     Susan: "I'm just... Something."
                                  Terry Pratchett, Hogfather

That's exactly it, I think. I'm... Something. Parts of what I do and what I am may fall under the umbrella of "witch," or even "Witch," and maybe that's the word I'll end up with, but at the moment, "Voracious Student" and "Relentless Seeker" seem to be more appropriate. "Druid" is good, too, as I am a songwriter and wordsmith, and Druiding is all about that. But neither one seems perfectly right. I am, as usual, neither fish nor foul. That's okay. These things happen.

Many people question the relevance of witches in our oh-so modern era. We don't need the batty old lady in the cottage just outside the village who we despise unless we need her to help heal the sick, birth a baby, terminate an unwanted pregnancy (or better yet, explain how not to get pregnant in the first place), tell us how to solve disputes, tell us when to plant and when to wait, whether or not to build a giant building there or there, sit up all night with the dead to ensure safe passage to the Other Realms... No, we have doctors and architects and lawyers and midwives and agricultural software and undertakers and... consultants... We don't need her services anymore.

Yeah, we do. Witches have the knowin' o' the hidden things (or "hiddlins' ", to quote Pratchett again), like how to walk between the physical and spiritual worlds and connect dots between them that bring clearness to confusion. Like how to see where the spirit is broken and is causing physical illness to manifest. Witches, for want of a better word, see how the macrocosm and the microcosm fit together like a hologram, and how each part contains the whole. When a person suffers spirit loss or a soul injury, there is no doctor who has the training to cross into the spirit realms and find what was lost and call it back, or fix what got broken so the love of the Divine Mind can once again flow unimpeded through the heart. But a Witch does, and he or she will do it, and that will open the paths of potentiality so that healing can happen.

Druids also have some hiddlins', including word magic, music magic and ceremonial magic. Being a songwriter, I have long been fascinated by the interplay between words, melody and presentation. Words have power, and music has power. Put them together with intention, and there's a lot can happen.

Reiki is an energy that has the power to heal spirits as well as physical bodies. It has an intelligence and a will of its own, and those who choose to practice quickly become adept at putting their own egos aside and allowing Reiki to use them as an instrument. I am working hard to refine myself as an instrument of Reiki, and hope to make many strides forward in that area over the next several months.

And that's what I'm voraciously studying and relentlessly seeking, to "ha' the knowin' o' the hiddlins'," to walk between worlds, to use all my talents to help increase the levels of joy and light and love in this world. So consider the Broom Closet door smashed permanently open. Call me what you will, Witch, Druid, Priestess, Student, Seeker... Crazy... Yes, that's a possibility. But I think a very very remote one.

Love and Light, Love and Light, Love and Light...

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