Friday, April 13, 2012

Rainy Fridays

I feel like rain and gray skies should somehow inspire some romantic thing in me, make me feel like writing wonderful, melancholy, strange songs or sad poetry, but it doesn't. I just want to take a nap. I have so many things to do, but the thought of doing any of it makes me want to cover my head with a blanket and put roots down into this couch. And then I start beating myself up, because I have so much to do, and I should be PRODUCTIVE!!!

So what about fallowness? Letting the fields rest for a season or two so that the nutrients necessary to grow food bursting with flavor and vitality have a chance to recharge? We forget to do this for ourselves. I have had a week consumed with activity, much of it not of my own devising. This is how a lot of us spend our time: Fatigue and depression are rampant.

One of the best things I did all week was take a drive out into the Wapsi River Valley with my son and traipse around with him while he took copious photographs. Some of them are fantastic. Some of them are gallery-worthy. But none of that is as important as the fact that my son and I were out in a part of the world where cell phone reception is non-existent, on a gorgeous day, taking pictures of stuff.

Photo by Byrn Dafydd Paul, April 11, 2012.

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