Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring is a funny time

Spent part of the day sneezing my head off and feeling utterly miserable, and part of the day outside helping the man I love tear part of a tree to bits... I had noticed a lot of dead branches in the redbud tree and mentioned it, and instead of weeding the dandelions and mowing like responsible, sane people, we attacked the redbud. Well, it needed doing. Redbuds must be really terrible wood - the wood almost shatters when you break it. So I broke several large branches and a whole mess of smaller ones into small enough pieces to fit into the city yard waste bags. It's meditative work, quiet, peaceful. You would think I'd have spent the time musing upon life, the universe and everything - but I did not. I spent the time in the moment, enjoying the breeze and the sunshine and the crisp spring air, not thinking of anything in particular. Sometimes you just have to let it all go. We shall see what has been stirred up in this head of mine in the days to come, however... Just you wait.

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