Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I voted

Though I'm no longer sure why. Every year it seems like I am less and less excited about it, less and less convinced that ANY of it matters, less and less proud of the candidates I eventually hold my nose and tick the boxes for...

The corporations that own our government are going to get what they want. We The People of the United States of America were sold down the river decades ago. The only way to get our country back from the corporations is to kill the corporations. STOP SHOPPING. Buy ONLY what you need. Don't buy shit from China. Don't buy shit that's going to break in 6 months. Kill your credit cards. Fuck HSBC. Fuck USBank. Fuck Wells Fargo. Fuck Goldman Sachs. Fuck Edward Jones.

Yes, I am ANGRY, and I ache for my country. I ache for the planet. We're such fucking idiots. We're all fucking idiots. And we just keep getting dumber. We have allowed this to happen because we're not paying fucking attention. We're too distracted by consuming - consuming cheap shitty merchandise that is made to break; consuming cheap shitty television programs that rot our brains; consuming cheap shitty processed food, made with genetically modified raw ingredients grown on factory farms in soil that has been depleted of most of its vitality, and then stripped of what little nutritional value it still has. So we will get fat and sluggish and sit on our couches surfing fecesbook and watching shit on television and eating more shit because we still feel hungry. Oh hey, let's cut funding for arts and education a little more, so we can give tax breaks to wealthy assholes who don't need them. The rich gotta keep getting richer. This is America. Fuck yeah.

But hey, go hold your nose and vote. It's a good habit to be in, and maybe someday it'll matter again.

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